Looking for a powerful and feature-rich bot to streamline your Discord server management? Look no further than TamozaBot! This versatile bot offers a wide range of functionalities designed to enhance your server experience, both for you and your members.
TamozaBot Commands
Logging and Setup
- /setlogchannel: Setup log channel and Inviter log.
- /kick: Kick a member from the server with a reason.
- /ban: Ban a member from the server with a reason.
- /temproles: Temporarily removes all roles from a member and restores them after a specified duration.
- /clean: Clears a specified number of messages in a channel (1-100).
- /cleanuser: Clear all user messages in the channel (1-100).
- /clearresponses: Clear 100 response messages from the bot.
- /warn: Warn a user.
- /checkwarnings: Check warnings for a user.
- /roles: Show all roles and the number of users in each role.
- /serverstatus: Displays how many roles, channels, members, users, and bots.
- /userstatus: Displays the status and information of a user.
- /avatar: Displays user avatar.
- /social: Show user social accounts.
- /randomteams: Randomly generate teams from members in your voice channel.
- /teamup: Randomly generate teams with mentioned users.
- /giveaway: Start a giveaway.
- /poll: Create a poll with the given question and options.
- /passgen: Generate a strong password.
- /shorturl: Create a short URL.
- /mention: Mention a member in a specific channel with a message.
- /mentionall: Mention everyone in a specified channel with a message.
- /privatemsg: Send a private message.
- /stickymsg: Send a sticky message.
- /stopstickymsg: Stop sticky message in a channel.
- /addsocial: Add social account.
- /invite: Invite link for TamozaBot.
- /about: About TamozaBot.
Custom Commands
- /customcommand: Create a custom command.
- /runcustom: Run a custom command.
- /removecommand: Remove a custom command.
- /addevent: Add a new event to the calendar.
- /removeevent: Remove an event from the calendar.
- /viewevents: View all your calendar events.
Setup Instructions:
- Create a Discord Bot Application:
- Visit the Discord Developer Portal (https://discord.com/developers/applications) and create a new application.
- Give it a name and enable the “Bot” functionality.
- Under the “Bot” tab, click “Add Bot” and confirm the creation.
- Copy the bot token, which will be used for authentication.
- Setting Up and Running TamozaBot:
- Download and install the latest version of Python from the official website: https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/
- Download the TamozaBot files from HERE
- Unzip the file
- Run the Install.bat file to install all required libraries and software
- Run the Start.bat
- Enter the bot token you copied before
- Enter the link invite bot (You can leave it empty)